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News: personnel changes in our speaker team

Since he has successfully completed his doctorate we say goodbye to our previous speaker Winald Kitzmann. As a farewell gift we gave him something that he can hopefully use on his future journey, for which we wish him all the best. Thank you for your commitment, Winald!
We welcome Kristin Julie Kellner in the speaker team alongside Laura Stein.

News: Meeting with Daniel Baldy (MP)

On 4th of August members of the DoV met with member of parliament Daniel Baldy (SPD). Topics of the very informal and constructive discussion included location conditions, the act on temporary employment in higher education (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz) and teaching conditions. We hope that the exchange will lead to the needs of doctoral students being included in one or the other political debate.

Meeting with member of parliament Daniel Baldy (mdB, SPD), July 2023

News: Teambuilding event

On 24th of July we held a small team building meeting at the bowling alley on campus. After a year and a half as DoV, it's nice to see how the group has developed, how ideas have emerged and how work processes have been established. We are happy to be able to represent you!

DoV Mainz, July 2023

News: Fish Bowl Discussion: "Sustainability in Science"

On October 18, 2023, the Netzwerk Junge Wissenschaft | Mainz  invites young researchers and all other interested parties to engage in a fish bowl discussion on the topic of "Sustainability in Science" from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Atrium Maximum:

  • What does "sustainability" mean in science?
  • How can research results on sustainability be made usable for society?
  • What can scientists do to make their research process sustainable?
  • What role does the digital nature of data play here and what options are there for making it available in the long term?
  • And how can scientific operations as a whole become more sustainable, especially in view of rising energy costs and, above all, the climate crisis?

Speakers will discuss these topics from different academic perspectives such as research and teaching. Guests are also invited to actively take part with questions or talks.

Following the fish bowl discussion, the most important findings and impulses will be recorded in the context of a world café.

More information will follow in September.