
We as DoV see it as our main task to bundle your needs as doctoral students and to strengthen your rights. We will keep you informed of our progress via email and here on the homepage. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us!

We have written a statement on the quality assurance concept in doctoral studies. This new set of rules will set uniform standards that all doctoral regulations must meet across the university. Here we advocated for co-authors of cumulative dissertations to be approved as reviewers for their own work.

The topic of the need for networking during the doctoral phase comes up again and again, especially during regular meetings - be it interdisciplinary or within one's own department. We have currently conducted a survey among all doctoral students to find out how great the need is and which formats are desired.
A Germany-wide doctoral student representation is currently being formed, the aim of which is to be able to communicate the interests of doctoral students in nationwide discourses. We see a great opportunity in a cross-university merger and are therefore committed to its development.
The DoV seeks exchange with politicians in order to take the interests and needs of doctoral students into the daily political discourse. The meeting with MP Daniel Baldy in August marked the start. Topics during this and future planned meetings include the financial conditions of the doctorate, the situation of scholarship holders and the status of doctoral candidates within the Higher Education Act.
Another focus of our work is the teaching load. In some subjects it is too high, so that the actual dissertation project takes a back seat; in others you have to fight to gain teaching experience. We want to work against both extremes.