School of Arts


The school of arts is currently represented by:

Philipp Schlosser – music education

Hey, I'm Philipp and I'm doing a PhD in music education at the Hochschule für Musik in Mainz and I represent the department of art colleges. My own research is an empirical study of empowerment for cultural participation based on a cooperation project between an inclusive comprehensive school and a music school in NRW. I conduct qualitative research and have also co-founded the Qualitative (Social) Research Working Group with colleagues within the GSHS. I am a qualified teacher of music and politics & economics and have already worked in the teaching profession for a year after my teacher training.

I would like to get involved in the DoV because I am very interested in politics and have been/am active in various university committees and movement initiatives (environment/education), as well as in trade unions (GEW), where I was able to gain some experience. I would like to expand this experience and incorporate it constructively into the DoV. I am bothered by unjust and undemocratic structures. It is my personal goal to give visibility to the interests and perspectives of doctoral candidates and to democratise existing structures within the scope of the possibilities for action, as well as to reduce injustices and promote forms of co-determination.