
Networking meeting for all doctoral candidates in Faculty 07

All doctoral candidates of Faculty 07 are invited to the network meeting, which will take place on 18 July at 18:00 on the campus in the form of a speed dating. The aim of the network meeting is to introduce the DoV and to get to know all doctoral students in FB07. For those who are unable to attend in person but are still interested in getting to know each other and networking, please let us know.


Online Workshop: Anti-bias training for early researchers

Interdisciplinary programme: Anti-bias training

03.05.2024, 10-17 h

Everyone has had personal experiences with prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination at some point in their lives. These experiences are valuable when it comes to reflecting on unconscious assumptions and norms on the one hand on the one hand and structural power relations on the other and to recognise social
recognise power and inequality relations. Academics are not exempt from this either.
are not exempt from this. The influence of unconscious presuppositions can therefore
can also affect research design and results and lead to bias effects.
lead to bias effects.
The aim of the training is therefore to initiate self-reflection with regard to one's own assumptions and widespread stereotypes, to sensitise people to the effects of stereotypes
(from stereotypes (from distortions of perception to discrimination) and thus to motivate
to question these in their own field of work - in their own research and in their
teaching - and to develop initial strategies for reducing stereotypes.
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PhD students and postdocs wanted for long-term study

For the study "IPaWi - Individual Pathways in Science", doctoral candidates in the initial or final phase of their doctorate (first or presumably last 6 months of the doctorate) are being sought as participants.

The participants are accompanied over a period of two years. The aim is to find out which factors contribute to a positive doctoral and postdoctoral experience and which factors can be challenging or stressful during this time. The insights gained will form the basis for the development of targeted support services for early career researchers.

As a thank you for your participation, automated, individual feedback will be given after each survey. In addition, 2.50 euros will be donated to a charity of your choice for each completed questionnaire, and two Apple Watches and two Kindle e-book readers will be raffled off among all participants.

All information about the study and the opportunity to register for the study can be found here.
If you have any questions or comments about the study, please feel free to contact the initiators at any time.

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News: We are part of the Federal Association of Doctoral Candidates

On September 26, a meeting of doctoral student representatives from all over Germany took place in Berlin to found the Bundesverband Promovierende e.V. (Federal Association of Doctoral Candidates).

The aim of the Bundesverband Promovierende is to fight for better working conditions for researchers in Germany. It emerged from a loose network of more than 50 doctoral candidate representatives, in which around 60% of Germany's doctoral candidates had joined forces to take a stand against the reform process of the Act on Fixed-Term Employment Contracts in Academia (WissZeitVG). Click here for the statement, in which we as the Mainz representative body were also involved: Statement WissZVG

This association will strengthen the voice of doctoral candidates at German institutions.

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News: GSHS Research Day

On November 24, we were able to present the DoV as one of 20 cooperation partners at the 3rd GSHS Research Day to an audience of (early career) researchers from the humanities and social sciences. We had some good discussions and provided information about our work. The feedback was consistently positive and we hope to have drawn more attention to us as a committee.

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News: Meeting with Rhineland-Palatinate State Representatives

On November 23, four members of the DoV met with the Rhineland-Palatinate State Secretary for Science and Health, Denis Alt (SPD), and his team at the Ministry's premises in Mainz. The main purpose of the meeting was to provide information about our work almost two years after the introduction of the DoV and to discuss our needs and goals. Topics included the Act on Fixed-Term Employment Contracts in Academia, the financial situation of doctoral candidates (particularly with regard to scholarships and the underfunding of state positions), the Deutschlandticket and the specific situation for doctoral candidates at Mainz University. We found the discussion very enriching and are pleased with the interest with which the state representatives met us.

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